It’s been nearly 9 years since I took my first trip to New York. It’s been 9 years since my ‘near miss’ at the World Trade Center on that beautiful and crisp September morning. And this Thursday, I’m hoping on a plane, headed back to the centre of it all, New York.
This isn’t my first time back. I was there 4 years ago to celebrate my wife’s birthday (yes, I brought her along!), but this visit is a little different. On Friday morning, I’m meeting with the people at the offices of the 911 Memorial and Museum, both of which are currently being designed and constructed. I’m there to officially record my story from September 10 and 11th, 2001 for the museum.
A while ago I donated something that I didn’t know what to do with – my ticket (of a pair) that I used on the evening of September 10th to go up to the observation deck. They were more than happy to receive it and potentially display it, along with my story, in the museum. They’ve been encouraging me to come out and officially record my story, and so now I’m going. It’s strange – to me, it was such a dramatic and dark time, but they specifically pointed out to me what makes my story so special – mine, thankfully, has a happy ending. That’s something that took me a long time to see, and it’s so different from so many of the stories they’ve collected so far from those who lost loved ones.
I love to write, but I’ve never written about what happened to me all of those years ago. With my upcoming trip, I think it’s time. Over the next week or so, I’m going to be writing on this blog about what I saw, what I experienced, and how it affected my life, forever. I'll also explain what the hand writing on the actual ticket is all about. I’ll also be writing about my trip this week, the making of the recording of my story, and the tour I’m going on to show me where they’re at with the museum and memorial. Afterwards, I have some time to do some exploring, to go see some places I never got the chance to go see on my original trip. And to just breathe in the culture that drew me to New York in the first place.
Feel free to send in comments or ask questions.
Very powerful story to go along with a very powerful photo. I imagine when you took that photo you never could of fathomed the significance it would inherit. I wanted to ask you if I could use your photo as a display picture for tomorrow?. I myself am deeply fascinated with weather and the Twin Towers, so your snapshot of time has an even more powerful meaning to me. Thank you for sharing with the world your story Mr.Kun, I hope to hear back from you.
Hi Jimmy, thanks for the comment. And yes, you're very right, I never imagined such an event, although my friend had made an erie comment a couple of days earlier when we stood beneath the towers (in the evening - me for the first time) when she said 'could you imagine if these ever fell?'.
You're welcome to use the image, but if you do, could you either provide a photo credit or a link back to my site? If so, please feel free.
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